National Prequalification Scheme for Roads and Bridges
The purpose of the Prequalification Scheme is to classify your business the technical and managerial expertise, financial capacity and previous performance to tender directly for works with governing agencies and bodies.
Why you need Prequalification?
Gaining prequalification with these bodies provides your business with ability to undertake specialist works as defined by these bodies. Through our extensive experience and the adoption of our management system approach, Culture Solutions undertake the end-to-end application process in gaining prequalification enabling your business to take the next steps in achieving your goals.
Culture Solutions achieves you prequalification through
a 3-stage approach:
1 Prequalification Internal Assessment
2 Prequalification Preparation and 1st Submission
3 Corrective Action Update and 2nd Submission
1 Prequalification Internal Assessment
We assess your current management systems and documented project artefacts to determine your organisations compliance to the relevant ISO requirements and Governing Body Specifications. This assessment will determine the gaps in the application process and allow Culture Solutions to determine the areas of development needed for Stage 2.
2 Prequalification Preparation and 1st Submission
Based on the findings in Stage 1, Culture Solutions will undertake development of required documentation, update current company procedures and work with your teams to ensure all required project artefacts are complete and available. We ensure your business can prove capability in the chosen prequalification category and ensure all supporting evidence is available to do so. Once all required evidence is collated and approved by management, we submit the application on your behalf.
3 Corrective Action Update and 2nd Submission
The Governing Body will review the first submission and assess all supporting evidence to ensure it meets the requirements of the relevant prequalification category. This stage allows for any feedback or further information requests from the Governing Body for Culture Solutions to work with your organisation to provide the requested information ensure any further requirements are met. Once the Governing body approves your application, you will be provisionally prequalified requiring your organisation to deliver a project in the approved prequalification category.
Need to get Prequalified?